What is unbounding period when stacking ETH 2.0?
cStakers will not be able to withdraw staked ETH until Ethereum 2.0, Phase 2 is launched.
ETH 2.0 launches in multi-phase rollout. Staking was launched quite early, but the state transitions — including transfers — will not be launched until later phases of the ETH 2.0 transition. Without transactions enabled, it will be impossible to move, trade or spend ETH that has been staked.
Practically, this means that any ETH staked on ETH 2.0 early in the rollout will be locked and unmoveable for a period of time — possibly even up to 2 or 3 years.
With HobitalExchange you’ll receive a liquid staking token “stETH” that can be freely moved and traded at will. It represents your portion of staked ether. We expect its price relative to unstaked ETH to be volatile, depending on market conditions, until Phase 2 starts.